Hillary Clinton has sent strong message to Terrorists

Hillary Rodham Clinton has created a history by visiting straight to financial capital of India, Mumbai and showing the solidarity with India to combat terrorism. US Secretary of State stayed in Hotel Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, one of the targets of the 26/11 terror attacks last year. She wanted to send a powerful message to Pakistan-based terrorists by choosing to stay in the Hotel as a mark of solidarity with the victims of terror. Some 183 people were killed and many more wounded when 10 terrorists sneaked into Mumbai by the sea after sailing from Pakistan. The terror strikes had left 183 people dead. Among those killed were 22 foreigners, including five Americans.
Clinton is put up in the Tower wing on the 11th floor. The 10th and 11th floors have been cordoned off for security reasons. The Palace wing, although non-functional at the moment for the guests, has specially been opened for Clinton and a suite renovated and redone especially for her.
Visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote a touching message in the tribute book for 26/11 terror attack victims at the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower Hotel
"Americans share solidarity with this city and nation," she wrote.
"Both our people have experienced the senseless and searing effects of violent extremism. And both can be grateful and proud of the heroism of brave men and women whose courage saved lives and prevented greater harm on 26/11 and 9/11.
"Now it is up to all nations and people who seek peace and progress to work together. Let us rid the world of hatred and extremism that produces such nihilistic violence. Our future deserves no less.
"With profound sympathy and resolve."
…………………………Hillary Rodham Clinton
We are once again reminded chilling attack of Terrorist in Mumbai when US Secretary of State stayed in Hotel Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, one of the targets of the 26/11 terror attacks last year. We have lost brave people and innocent people. USA should see that terrorist camps in Pakistan should be destroyed. Terrorism is a Problem of every one. Unitedly all countries have to fight terrorism.
There is life in India and India will flourish and face any challenges when we have bold people like Sri Uniikrishnan, SriHemant Karkare are with us. Many Unnikrishnans and Heamnt Karkares will born to protect this great country India. This country is believed in Dharma (morality). Dharmo Rakshita Rakshita Ha (when you protect morality, morality will protect). That morality will protect this country. We are stronger nation with millions are raising their voice, the word is ACTION on immorality (terrorism)
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